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Overview of The Fool's Journey

Clip from Tarot for Self-Discovery Webinar

This clip is my take on the progression through the 22 major arcana, inspired by and according to what I’ve learn from Benebell Wen, Rachel Pollack, and Brigit Esselmont.

ICYMI, I recently had the pleasure of facilitating a webinar / workshop with a group of lovely people from Luminary about how I use Tarot for Self-Discovery - with a Jungian twist. Last week I shared about Jung’s model of the psyche, and how Tarot relates to helping us make the unconscious, conscious!

It was my first time giving a Tarot workshop, and I packed way too much information in. Rookie mistake! After watching it back and editing it slightly to take out pauses etc, I’ve chopped it up into clips that I’d like to share with you here.

Hope you enjoy, and please let me know your thoughts!

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